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Thursday, June 4, 2009

I am so-o-o tired

Have you ever had one of those weeks where the weightloss seems to be sucking the life out of you. I would exercise, go to work, make dinner, and crash on the couch and fall asleep. I had no energy to do anything else. Is it the flu? Am I eating properly? Maybe I am low on iron or B12? The reality is that my body was exhausted from having to work so hard at weightloss and it just needed a week of decompensation. It is really important to listen to your body, and recognize what it needs. Rule out whether there is an underlying issue that needs to be treated. Pay particular attention to your electrolyte balance- if your sodium and potassium are too low this can cause fatigue. Take some supplements or increase the sodium and potassium in your diet. Bananas are a great source of potassium. Dehydration is another cause to rule out. Too few calories etc. If none of these are an issue, give your body the rest it needs and your energy will bounce back the next week!!

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